Disabilities/Learning Disabilities

Asian People’s Disability Allowance

The Asian People’s Disability Alliance (APDA) is a user-led registered charity of Asian disabled people. Launched and active since 1988, APDA is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making entity.
Telephone: 020 8459 1030
Website: www.apda.org.uk


Asperger Support Signposting Information Services Team (ASSIST) is a free service for Ealing residents aged 18 and over, who have or who are actively seeking a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome, their families and carers. They provide individual 1:1 support sessions with trained members of staff. The content of the sessions are decided on by the client and there is no limit to the number of sessions available.
Telephone: 0208 962 3015
Supporter Enquiries: assistlondon@nas.org.uk

Website: http://www.autism.org.uk/directory/n/nas-assist-autismsupportsignposting-information

CarePlace is London’s centralised source for care and community services, information and guidance. The directory contains thousands of useful services in London and beyond and gives you direct access to information about care and community services. It also contains a wealth of information and guidance on how to source local services and pay for them.
Website: www.careplace.org.uk


Certitude provides personalised support across London to people with learning disabilities, autism and metal health support needs as well as their families and carers. Telephone: (West London, Ealing Office) 020 3397 3033
Website: www.certitude.org.uk

Community Team Support

The community team for people with learning disabilities is a joint health and social service multi-disciplinary team. They work to support adults with learning disabilities to maintain their independence in the community. The team consists of care managers, senior practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists and admin staff. Telephone: 020 8566 2360 or 020 8566 2204
Website: https://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/201074/learning_disability


Disability Advice Bureau (DAB) is provided by Ealing Mencap and Ealing Centre for Independent Living. DAB’s pan-disability advice service offers assistance with:

  • Form filling including benefit forms, blue badge applications, tax credit forms, retirement benefit, pension credit & miscellaneous forms.
  • Debt advice.
  • Challenging decisions.
  • Housing advice
  • Charity applications
  • Mobility and equipment advice,
  • Job applications, CVs
  • Locata bidding
  • Family support

DAB’s pan-disability advocacy service provides support to people with disabilities; their carers and families who may need support to understand their rights and ensure their wishes and opinions are heard
Telephone: 0207 738 5656

Down’s Syndrome Group

The Down’s Syndrome Group is a support group for families with children who have Down’s Syndrome.

Email: help@netmums.com
Website: https://www.netmums.com/local/down-syndrome

Ealing Center for Independent Living (ECIL)

Ealing Centre for Independent Living (ECIL) is an organisation of disabled people working to eliminate the barriers preventing disabled people and their unpaid carers from living full and independent lives. They offer advice, information and can help you get what you need to live an independent life.

Telephone:  0208 280 2274
Email: ecil@ecil.org

Ealing Dyslexia Association

Ealing Dyslexia Association can advise people and groups on how to get support for dyslexia. The Association also organises a regular programme of talks, lectures and workshops.

Telephone: 07909618330 (Mon and Fri), 020 8579 3622 (Tue, Wed and Thu) and 020 8998 0552 (Sat and Sun)
Website: www.ealingdyslexia.org.uk

Ealing Specialist Advice Service (ESAS)

ESAS provides advice and information to adult residents of the borough of Ealing (and young people aged 16+ going through transition) who have additional needs and carers/representatives of people who meet the criteria which can include:- learning disabilities or learning difficulties, physical disabilities, mental health issues, sensory impairments, autistic spectrum conditions, long term health conditions, have age related needs and are aged over 50.

The ESAS service can also provide advice in the following areas:- housing, benefits, equipment, aids and adaptations, employment (eg. Access to Work, adjustments to the workplace), transport and travel (eg. blue badge, Motability and freedom pass applications), health and social care and personal budgets, disability rights. ESAS can direct clients who require legal advice to solicitors and legal advice services.

The phone lines can be very busy. If they do not answer right away, please leave a message with your name and contact number and they will call you back.

The office is open to visitors at the following times:

  • Monday – 10:00am – 4:00pm
  • Tuesday – 10:00am – 4:00pm
  • Wednesday – closed all day
  • Thursday – 10:00am – 4:00pm
  • Friday – 10:00am – 1:00pm

Telephone: 020 8579 8429
Text only: 07837 186 733
Email: info@ealingsas.org.uk
Website: www.ealingsas.org.uk


The Horn of Africa Disability and Elderly Association (HADEA) provides a drop-in centre for Somali people with disabilities. Extended outreach services, including a home visiting, befriending service and referrals to other appropriate agencies. Empowering people from the Horn of Africa with disabilities and illness to assert their rights.

Telephone: 020 8280 2268 and 0798 061 4391 
Email: hadea05@hotmail.com

Website: https://www.hadea.org.uk/

Address: Lido Resource Centre 63 Mattock Lane W13 9LA


MENCAP provide a range of services for children and adults with learning disabilities.

Telephone: 0808 808 1111
Website: www.mencap.org.uk


SCOPE provide support to disabled people and their families at home and in the local community.

Telephone: 0808 800 3333
Website: www.scope.org.uk

SEND (Local Offer)

Every Local Authority must publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This is referred to as the ‘Local Offer’.

The Local Offer will put all the information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups in one place.

It has two main purposes:
• to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available;
• to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations.

Ealing’s Local Offer includes:

• Early years and childcare provision
• Links to SEND provision within all schools
• How to request an Education, Health & Care (EHC) Assessment & Plan
• Health services
• Leisure activities
• Social care services, including short breaks
• Other educational provision
• Training opportunities
• Travel for children and young people to places of education
• Preparing for adulthood (inc. housing, employment, support)

Website: www.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk

Shop Mobility Ealing

Ealing ShopMobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited mobility, to shop and to visit leisure and commercial facilities within the town, city or shopping Centre.

Telephone: 0208 280 2274
Email: shopmobility@ecil.org
Website: www.ecil.org

Short Break Service

The council’s short break service is a registered care home providing short breaks or respite care for adults with learning disabilities in Ealing. It has ten beds and supports approximately sixty families. The service offers planned breaks and will also take people if there is an emergency and an available bed.

Telephone: 020 8579 9558

The Log Cabin

The Log Cabin provides a community based, purpose-built adventure playground for children and young people with additional needs or disabilities.

Telephone: 020 8840 3400
Website: www.logcabin.org.uk

The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society provides support, information and pioneering services for autistic people (including those with Asperger syndrome) and their families.

Telephone: 0808 800 4104  
Website: www.autism.org.uk